The intent is not to measure the base station emission. But the emission of cell phones and 3G dongles and other transmitters which usually broadcast to a base station. The 35dBi is a number given for the prototype antenna which is actually off ebay so it may very well be way off. The Yagi was chosen for directionality and locating purposes. Don't like the idea of doing my own antenna.
How are T and Pi attenuators for this purpose, are there any problems with using simple resistor networks to attenuate the signal before it goes into a IC with a 50 ohm impedance, I have been considering using a IC of this kind or similar
It goes up to 18dBm so i need to attenuate the signal if the strongest devices are broadcasting with a strength of 36dBm. Basicly i need to shift the dynamic range of the input down.
Thank you for the responses so far.