Besides thermal noise you care about charge injection
from the switches, that probably dwarfs thermal noise.
Thermal noise formula would be a minimum starting point,
what you find for Qsw and its variation w/ common mode,
PVT & MM etc will probably drive the unit C upward until
you are either comfortable with tolerances or constrained
by allotted layout area (then, tough choices or better
circuit design details).
Fab will not know anything about what makes a N-bit DAC
meet spec, unless they are (1) seeing that kind of circuitry
and (2) actually talking to designers and product development
/ yield engineering folks from the product side of the house.
A pure-play foundry for its "digital" nodes probably has no
good info for you, and you'd try to get a test chip on a
multiproject run to tease out these issues and design options'
key sensitivities. One advertising SoC capability and offering
similar IP, you could expect has more insight. But "if it ain't
broke (or nobody says it's broke), don't look at it let alone
fix it" is what happens when a foundry is focused on issues
other than yours.