CYPRESS EZUSB chip AN2131SC for GAL programmer

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Jun 6, 2002
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Experience with EZUSB ?

Hi guys,

has anyone experience with CYPRESS EZUSB chip AN2131SC ?
I want to use it to build a GAL-programmer.
Can anyone recommend this chip or is it overkill for such
a simple purpose ?

chip interresting
windows driver amazing

stay in the windows standard definition of usb class.


I've tried a evaluation kit with the EZ-USB chip and it's transfer speed really sucked.
Couldn't get past 12000Baud.

I didn't wan't to write my own driver so i stopped trying.

(I didn't throw the thing was for work)

greetz, venz.

hi venz !

just think about FTDI module

really good
no driver to write
1Mb/s transfert (always the max for 1.1)

really really really really easy more than EZ USB 8)

Experience with EZUSB ?

We could reached 8MBit/s by follow the bulk transfer application note!
If you want, i'll upload it for you

please do!

Experience with EZUSB ?

Please wait for awhile. I'll upload it tomorrow morning when i come back to my office.

Experience with EZUSB ?

Sorry for the delay. I just found this application note.

Fast Transfer Feature Of EZ-USB®

what is the maximum speed any has seen with bulk transfer no other USB devices attached with this device.

I think EZ-USB is still good for production maintain.
Its 8051 firmware is downloaded from device driver.
So with new driver, your hardware provides more functions.

I´m using EZ-USB chip. You can download the code over driver or over an I2C memory. The hardware is simply to develop and for develop the software you can download EZ-USB devTools free in the Cypress url. In this pakect you can find Visual Basic examples for manage the USB devices such as AN2131. Regards.

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