Custom transformer
I'm (slowly) getting into building a chipamp, so I'm after a toroidal transformer, 100v@50Hz to 25v, so winding ratio of 4:1.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any here in Japan (at least not affordable). But I figure it will be more interesting to build my own anyway!
So I've started learning more and more about transformers.
Vs/Vp = Ns/Np
This is an equation that is quite easy for me to understand. But there are so many other questions. How will the gauge of the wire affect it's characteristics? The size of the core? The material of the core? Silicon steel and enameled copper wire seem standard, but should I consider something else?
What determines heat and amperage issues?
But I can't seem to find a good resource to expound on these issues, especially in the form of equations. Any suggestions?