Curved antenna simulation in HFSS. Deformed meshing

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Newbie level 4
Mar 6, 2018
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Hi all,
I am simulating a leaky wave antenna in a conformal environment in HFSS (see Fig.1). The model simulates without any error. But when I plot the mesh view (see Fig. 2). The mesh is deformed and it does not resemble the curved structure I am simulating.

I have reduced the rendering settings for curved objects to less than 5 degree. Hence I don't think there is any problem with view.
Additionally I simulated the same structure with CST and the results are quite different.

Any suggestions?

For more info: The antenna is a leaky-wave structure with a waveport on either side. And the solution frequency is 28GHz. The size of the antenna is nearly 20 lamba. and the radius of curvature is 100 mm


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  • MeshViewAntennaEDA.png
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Go to HFSS/Mesh/Initial Mesh Settings, and clik on "Apply curvilinear meshing to all curved surfaces"
In "Curved Surface Meshing" you can change the surface resolution.
I think you HFSS encrypted grid simulation results to see if there is a big difference from your current grid division.if the results are similar,i think the meshing in this state is correct.As for the simulation results of CST,I think the simulation of circular antenna is inaccurate.

Hi All,
I think I have figured out the solution. Posting it here.
As one of the users suggested, the meshing should be made curvilinear. However, don't forget to add checkmark once the property of 'ApplyCurvilinear; appears on the left pane.

This alone won't work, add surface approximation -> set it to finer.

The results are now consistent with the CST but a lot slower. CST overall is much better with the current settings that I have.

Let me know if you have suggestions


  • edaanswer.PNG
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