Curser of Probe windows in Pspice

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Jul 29, 2014
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I want to see the exact value of variable on Probe window in Pspice but as you see the cursor window that we can monitor value simultaneously we can't set a exact value to see other parameters value.
for example:
in this graph I want change x value in cursor windows to desire value (32912Hz)and see the value of Y axis but it doesn't allow me to change.Can we do it with other way?


I believe this can be done with an "YatX" measurement expression. Review the respective chapter in user guide or play around with measurements in probe.
Go to Trace->Cursor->Search commands

Type following in the search window -

This would return Y-value at 32912Hz in cursor window.
Thanks for your answer.
could you tell me a reference that explain more about search commands?

I could not find any single reference. Documentation seem to be lacking for these options.
Below are few more I found on web long time back -
SFLE(y-value) - means search forward level. Would return x-value for specified y-value, moving cursor to right.
SBLE(y-value) - same as above. moving cursor to left
Thanks dear mvaseem
if we have a variable on x axis how can find the y value?

ehsantech, you should not overestimate the results obtained from the cursor or from the search commands.
At first, the resolution must be sufficient (number of computed points) because all values between two adjacent poits are interpolated.
More than that, each circuit has tolerances and parasitics. What
I am trying to say is the following: It is good engineering practice not to expect an accuracy which exceeds all uncertainties connected with the inputs for such calculations/simulations.
Hello Dear Lvw
Thanks for your good explanation.
you are too right but I try to learn much more about Pspice features and check the output result from Pspice with my theory calculation not exactly for experimental purpose.

Hi ensahtech,

May be I could not comprehend the question. Are you saying that you have some variable on x-axis (other than time, freq) and you need to know y-value of trace for a particular x-value (which is variable).
If yes then same function SFXV would work.
Dear mvaseem
if we have different shapes on graph how we can define which value is related to shapes that we want to search it's value?

Hi Ehsantech,

I could not understand what you mean by shape. Do you mean having multiple traces and you want to associate cursor with a particular trace ?

Hello dear mvaseem and Thanks for accompany me
yes I want to say different trace

That's simple. You need to do LMB on the respective trace symbol (small shape lying alongside trace name). This will attach cursor to that particular trace.
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