Hi all,
I'm trying to understand current transformers better. A precaution that one can't avoid when reading about CTs is the open-circuit burden. Everyone says it's very dangerous and I've watched videos of CTs bursting into flames because of it.
I thought I'd test this out in a controlled environment. I wound about 300 turns onto a small core (1.5" O.D. toroidal) I had lying around, stuck a cable through it and ran 150 amps through it. Nothing happened -- no flames, no smoke, no arcing.
I did carefully rub the wire ends against each other and got arcs, however, so I knew something was happening. I put an 10:1 oscilloscope on the terminals and got the theoretical peaky waveform with peak voltages of about 600V.
What is happening here? My theory is that the enamel insulation or a component is breaking down at 600V but there is no smoke because not much power is being transferred by the CT.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Many thanks.