Here's the original circuit:
Let's start by assuming that the transistor is saturated. As an approximation, let's say Vce = 0.1V, Vbe = 0.7V, and the diode voltage drops are also 0.7V.
That gives you 5 equations with 5 unknowns, which should be fairly easy to solve. After calculating the values of I1, I2, I3, Vnode1 and Vnode2, you need to check that the values are reasonable, and support the initial assumption that the transistor is saturated. e.g. I1 and I2 should both be positive, and I2/I1 should be less than the normal value of hFE.
If that doesn't work out, then you have to start over, assuming the transistor is
not saturated. In that case, we don't know the value of Vce, so equn 2 above changes to "I2 = (Vnode1 - Vce - Vnode2) / 1K", giving us an extra unknown variable. But this time we know that I2 = hFE * I1, so now we have 6 equations with 6 unknowns: