Advanced Member level 6

The attached 300W COT Buck has vin = 30 to 175Vdc
Its vout is to be 36vdc (whenever vin>vout).
When Vin < 36V, the Buck FET is required to be ON all the time. (100% duty cycle).
As such, the Constant Off time control sorts all this out nicely
The problem is that the Current sense transformer saturates whenever the Buck FET is ON with 100% duty cycle. (the red waveform attached shows this, it is the magnetising current in the secondary of the CST……well, AYK, it wouldn’t go that high in real life , but does in the LTspice sim, since AYK, LTspice doesn’t do saturation)
Anyway, the LTspice sim shows no problem when the vin rises back above 36V, the CST just resumes normal operation.
However, do you think we need to capacitively couple a switched voltage (at ~100khz) across the CST secondary, in order to force the secondary magnetising current to keep low (ie, below core saturation)?
AYK, all we need to do , is add circuitry to assure that Vsec_ON = Vsec_OFF
The attached 300W COT Buck has vin = 30 to 175Vdc
Its vout is to be 36vdc (whenever vin>vout).
When Vin < 36V, the Buck FET is required to be ON all the time. (100% duty cycle).
As such, the Constant Off time control sorts all this out nicely
The problem is that the Current sense transformer saturates whenever the Buck FET is ON with 100% duty cycle. (the red waveform attached shows this, it is the magnetising current in the secondary of the CST……well, AYK, it wouldn’t go that high in real life , but does in the LTspice sim, since AYK, LTspice doesn’t do saturation)
Anyway, the LTspice sim shows no problem when the vin rises back above 36V, the CST just resumes normal operation.
However, do you think we need to capacitively couple a switched voltage (at ~100khz) across the CST secondary, in order to force the secondary magnetising current to keep low (ie, below core saturation)?
AYK, all we need to do , is add circuitry to assure that Vsec_ON = Vsec_OFF