current out measuring of a mobile charger

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Current flow is defined with I=U/R. If you know voltage and resistance in circuit than you can calc.

Best regards,

voltage measurment alright but i am unable to obtain resistance of the circuit as you said here , so what to do for that now ?

So the connector is no longer useful? Then cut it off! CAREFULLY cut the plastic around the wires, exposing the wire. Separate the wires, so they can not touch.

Buy some 1 watt resistors; 8 ohm, 10 ohm, 16 ohm, 22 ohm.

Connect the resistor and multimeter (current mode, 1A setting) in series, across the wires. Measure the current.

You should also connect the resistor and multimeter in parallel (voltage mode, 10V setting) across the wires, to measure the voltage.

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