@betwixt: bear with me,but i'm not trying to extract more than what it can offer.Not trying to break laws of thermodynamics.I am not trying to force the panel to provide more power than it can provide.I just want to use power it provides,however low it is.Even if Panel of 250 W(rated.) can only provide 20-30 W at dark,i want to harvest it.(Difficult,but i want to try it)
I agree that panel can't maintain voltage & it's voltage drops more at partial light.If at same load,it was generating 18 V at full light & i understand that voltage may drop to 4/6 V at partial light.I can use DC-DC conversion.I understand that the panel is also not capable of supplying that amount of power that it was providing at full light.I want to provide power drop from PSU(mains)
I am trying to help the panel with PSU.
Even using MPPT,that it ensures that you get the most power possible from your solar panels at any point in time.You still agree that power is much lower than 250 W.Say for example 60 W,using MPPT under low light.I want to provide remaining (250 - 60) = 190 W from mains.
Definitely there must be a way to do power addition,of course difficult to implement.Is it really impossible to do this kind of adding power.
MPPT is to operate panel at that voltage where it can deliver max.power at that light intensity.
I'm talking of a hybrid circuit that lets panel produce whatever it produces,just add some power to it from mains & deliver it to battery.