Current-Control Oscillator problem
I am designing a Current-Control Oscillator .
But it can not work in hspice,
when I set the initial value of n1, n2 in hspice:
.IC V(n1)= vcc V(n2)= 0
then it can work.
Without the initial value, it can not work.
I also find the reason why it can not work with hspice:
without the initial value, the n1 = n2 = 1 (high)
then the output of A24 or A25 will be low ( another will
be high).
So, if A24 output 0 (low) , C1 been charged by M4,
A25 must be output 1, C2 been discharged by M7.
But in hspice, if A24 output 0 (low) , C1 can not charge over Vref,
so the n1 always keep high, and the Oscillator can not work.
Though I find the reason, but I do not know why it happy,
Is the simulation software( hspice) problem or the
circuit problem ?
May I need a start-up circuit ?
BTW: When it work with the initial value,
C1, C2 charged current is: 176uA
discharged current is: 13.1uA
Frequency = 6.17M
Vdd= 3.3V Vref = 1.25V
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