I will add my test circuit and waveforms for the ACS712. The issue is this, no matter what I do, the noise is never below say 250mV. Now my interest lies in the 0-3A range, for 3A, the output increases by 1.5V which means 500mV per Ampere which means that the noise of 250mV does not allow measurement below 0.5A.
Adding a low pass filter will be essential and when I just put a 0.1uF cap to see, noise dropped to less than 80mV which is of no use to me because the effective cut off frequency was well below the PWM frequency and my current waveform also got ruined.
So I need to know that for say 8kHz PWM, what can be the cut off frequency of the filter I add afer the sensor without which the noise is 0.5A or 1/6th the max value. Also this filter must not distort the actual signal.