There are many configurations of snubbers for many reasons to limit current, voltage and di/dt,dv/dt and discharge fully before the next switch to minimize the Switch Safe Operating Area (SOA) V*I product impulse power.
Therefore there is an optimal RC time constant which depletes the charge to say 2% before switching.
I think, this time constant, T = RC <= 43% *1/f
There is stored energy in the capacitance of the snubber diode which affects reverse recovery time and is the main cause of oscillation with low values of R. So choose the fastest recovery time you can afford. ($
Even more important than snubber is management of the critical dead-time between commutation so that the impedance of the driver does not stay shorted across the supply too long or the bridge stay open circuit too long as this will only increase the losses in the drivers and snubber. or increase the ringing. So if you can figure out how to control prop delay of switching asymmetrically or use a chip that has it built in, aim for 1 us or 2% of dead time and allow for thermal drift. But watch out for SHoot-thru failures !! Snubbers wont help here. Generally ESR and ESL are critical in megawatt inverters, so they use Litz wire, but lets take advantage of them in this small inverter.
Thus ½LI² = ½CV² and RC =43% 1/f is my best guess
I haven't compare losses to FVM's Q=1 solution which is critical damped, with R-C-D loop parasitic inductance in each part summed, as L, impedance at resonance (LC)²=1/(2πf) matches R for low Q dampening.