A bjt transistor is essentially a current amplifier. You could use a simple common collector connection, that means: collector directly connected to Vcc, Base connected to current generator (better if through a resistor in order to avoid large base current to flow in case of failures) and emitter connected to the load (other end of the load connected to ground). The current gain is roughly equal to the beta of the transistor you choose.
The supply voltage has to be choosen taking into account that saturation will arise when impedance of the load multiplied by maximum output current exceed the supply voltage.
A so simple circuit has many problems:
1) Gain is not controllable since it depends only from the bjt (so it can vary part to part)
2) Gain depends from the temperature
3) linearity of the transfert function Iout/Iin is not very good
However, depending from your application, it could be OK.