Re: Crystal oscillator confusion, i2C communication & theory of operation
* RTC crystal has nothing to do with I2C. It is used for pre ise clock operation. Often a 32768 Hz crystal is used. Crystal oscillator needs to operate even on power diwn ...from a battery.
* energy meter crysral has nothing to woth I2C, too. It is for proper energy metering function. Usually it is in Megahertz range. It will be OFF on power down.
* the crystal of the MCU (as the I2C master) determins the speed of the I2C (and MCU setup).
So generally it is possible to run a whole system with just one crystal, indeed it has some benefits, but you need different frequencies and therefore you need clock divider and multiplier....this usually is more effort than just using different crystals.
And for an RTC the clock needs to run all the time...with a single crystal clock system it will draw too much power.
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ADE7953 and MCU with a single 3.58Mhz crystal? I was thinking of connecting it in parallel.
Be careful with this. A crytal is not a complete oscillator with logic level outputs.
So one device needs to act as the oscillator (master)...with enough output signal to drive the other device (slave).
The input impedance of the slave device may influence the operation of the master device.
In case of lenghty clock traces or low impedance inputs I recommend to use a clock buffer.