CRT TV Hitachi problem!!

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Newbie level 1
Nov 21, 2015
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Hi everyone. I'am a newbie here. And need someone to help me.
i have a problem with CRT TV hitachi model: C20-P602 EXR.
The problem is when is press switch AC on i saw the horizontal line on the CRT
around 5 second then transistor hor out is gone. Can you share me the service manual of this model?

Thank in advance.

Sounds like a tv I tried to fix. Screen showed a horizontal (vertical?) line. I read a diagnostic chart which led me to a bad horizontal output transistor. I went to Radio Shack and purchased a generic replacement (labelled 'horizontal output transistor'). I installed it.

It worked. I was happy. In a day or two it burned out. Disappointed, I took the tv to a local repairman. He said it required a more robust transistor than my Radio Shack part (or even the original part). So he installed a part which worked and didn't burn out.

What this adds up to is, I think he ignored the original specs, ignored the service manual, and installed a TO-3 transistor with very robust specs.

Did you see a horizontal line or a vertical line? A horizontal line means a problem in the vertical drive circuit. Are you sure the hor out transistor shorted or did it just turn off? A failure in the vertical drive causing a line will shut off the hor out to prevent burning the phosphor in the crt tube. If you saw a vertical line then there is another fault in the horizontal drive circuit causing the transistor to fail.

Larry G

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