Better in modulated systems to speak of PBR really (Power backoff ratio) which is the ratio of the peak envelope power to the average power, it is pretty much the same idea and you see the term crest factor being used occasionally as a near equivalent.
100% mod AM, the rf voltage peaks at twice the unmodulated level, hence 6dB, but interestingly the average power for an AM transmitter rises by 3dB under sinewave modulation, as the envelope swings from 0 to twice the voltage of the unmodulated carrier, this makes the crest factor strongly dependent upon the exact wording of the definition you are using (PEP to Average power under modulation gives 3dB, PEP under modulation vs unmodulated carrier gives 6dB).....
When discussing modulated RF you have to be very careful as PEP, Peak and average powers (Not to say amplifier efficiency) all behave differently under modulation (And I will admit to being somewhat unhelpfully loose with the terminology upthread).
Note that 'RMS Power' is a nonsense term, you can have RMS Voltage or RMS Current, but the term that should be used is 'Average Power'.
Regards, Dan.