Creating data files for use in MWO

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I am trying to simulate a circuit using real components so I am trying to create the data files myself. I need this **broken link removed**, this MESFET (PDF file), and this HFET (PDF file). I've tried to use the help and some of the models in the supplied libraries, but I haven't gotten very far. Google was not very helpful either. If someone knows a resource that I am missing or can create templates for me to fill in, I'd appreciate it.

MWO can use the S-parameters file in Touchstone file format (see MWO help for more information about this format). It's convenient for accurate linear simulation (without power sweep). S-parameters file (usually *.s2p) You can find on device manufacturer site. MWO also can use nonlinear STATZ-model, DIE-model and many others, but for accurate nonlinear simulation You should make many measurements of Your nonlinear device for model parameters restore.

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