Creating an Integrated Circuit Components Library in Altium

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Newbie level 1
May 15, 2015
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I am new to PCB designing and I am completely new to Altium. I want to make a schematic, PCB design and simulate a RF circuit involving a GPS receiver front end IC max2769. Altium library does not have this IC. I can create the component in library and also its layout for PCB. But for Signal Integrity simulation purposes I need to define what's inside of this IC package. How do I do that? Maxim does not provide a simulation model for this IC. Am I required to define all the individual components/parts inside the IC package or is there any other way?

I am in real need of support right now. Thank you very much. IC internal circuit is as below.


If you want to simulate your circuit then you'll have to build a complete SPICE model for this circuit and attach it to its schematic symbol. Since it's a very complex IC, it will cost you many days (unless you're an experienced SPICE modeler) and it won't be even close to the part's actual performance.

If you only want to have a model for signal integrity simulation then you could simplify it: all inputs can be modeled as resistors and capacitors to ground (to give these pins a finite input impedance and parasitic capacitance), and outputs can be modeled as Norton/Thevenin equivalents using coupled voltage sources or current sources. This is a lot faster, and may just as well suit your needs.
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