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Hello there,
I have a spice file for a component and I need to create this component in ISIS and make it able to simulate.
Datasheet link
Here is the spice model for the component.
Here is the path I followed to create the component and fail

What am I doing wrong ? Or what I should do ?
Thanks for help.
I have a spice file for a component and I need to create this component in ISIS and make it able to simulate.
Datasheet link
Here is the spice model for the component.
* HCPL-3140/HCPL-0314 SPICE Macromodel
* Rev. B
* 07/07
* This is the behavioural model for the above-mentioned part number.
* It is valid for functional simulation over the range specified below.
* Supply range: 10 to 30V
* Macromodels provided by Avago Technologies are not warranted
* as fully representing all of the specifications and operating
* characteristics of the product.
* Macromodels are useful for evaluating product performance but they
* cannot model exact device performance under all conditions, nor are
* they intended to replace breadboarding for final verification.
* Copyright 2007 Avago Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved
* Anode(pin2)
* | Cathode(pin3)
* | | Common(pin5)
* | | | Output(pin6)
* | | | | Vcc(pin8)
* | | | | |
.SUBCKT HCPL3140 102 103 105 106 108
land 20 102 20n
lcth 23 103 20n
lgnd 10 105 20n
lout 3 106 20n
lvcc 2 108 20n
xled 20 23 22 23 led
rled 22 23 1meg
*This is Ith, bandwidth and amplitude limitation
gpd 10 1 22 23 1
ith 1 10 dc 4.3m
cb 1 10 0.16n
rb 1 10 1500 tc1=0.004
vlimitp 13 10 dc 1
vlimitn 14 10 dc -1
dlimitp 11 13 dmod3 1.430
dlimitn 14 11 dmod3 1.430
rlimit 12 11 1000
elimit 12 10 1 10 1
mshut 11 16 10 10 nmosmod l=10u w=1000000u
.MODEL nmosmod nmos (vto=+0.7)
vshut 15 10 dc 5
rshut1 15 16 1000
rshut2 16 17 1000
eshut 17 10 2 10 -1
*This is output stage and gate drive
vinside 28 10 dc 30
ql1 3 6 10 npnmodL
ql2 28 7 6 npnmodL
dl1 10 3 dmod3 1.430
dl2 10 6 dmod3 1.430
dl3 6 7 dmod3 1.430
qh1 2 4 3 npnmodH
qh2 2 5 4 npnmodH
dh1 3 2 dmod3 1.430
dh2 3 4 dmod3 1.430
dh3 4 5 dmod3 1.430
gidh 3 5 11 10 0.0005
gidl 10 7 10 11 0.0005
*This is iccl 1.2mA current source cricuit
q3 51 50 2 pnpmod
q4 50 50 2 pnpmod
q2 50 52 53 npnmod
q1 52 53 58 npnmod
rst2 51 52 1000
riccl 53 58 1240 tc1=-0.003
qcl 58 59 60 npnmod
gcl 60 59 10 11 0.0001
qdl 60 61 10 npnmod
gdl 10 61 2 10 0.000003
d50 60 59 dmod3 1.430
d51 10 61 dmod3 1.430
rl 58 10 1000000
.MODEL pnpmod pnp (bf=100)
.MODEL npnmod npn (bf=100)
*This is icch 0.7mA current source cricuit
q13 151 150 2 pnpmod
q14 150 150 2 pnpmod
q12 150 152 153 npnmod
q11 152 153 158 npnmod
rst12 151 152 1000
ricch 153 158 2000 tc1=-0.0032
qch 158 159 160 npnmod
gch 160 159 11 10 0.0001
qdh 160 161 10 npnmod
gdh 10 161 2 10 0.000002
d150 160 159 dmod3 1.430
d151 10 161 dmod3 1.430
rh 158 10 1000000
.MODEL DMOD3 D IS=2.22P CJO=1P VJ=.376 M=.139 N=1.07
+ IS=1.27E-17 BF=550.35 NF=1.00 ISE=4.61E-17 NE=1.320
+ IKF=7.06E-3 BR=0.11
+ NR=1.00 IKR=10.4E-3 VAR=17.47 VAF=18 RE=4.26 RC=4.12 RB=6.85
+ RBM=68.65
+ CJC=84E-15 CJE=38E-15 CJS=520E-15 MJE=0.50 VJE=0.69 MJC=0.40 VJC=0.60
+ MJS=0.344 VJS=0.60 TF=305P XTF=0.43 ITF=12M
+ IRB=95U PTF=17 XTB=0.202 XTI=3.058 TR=85E-9 EG=1.167
+ IS=1.27E-17 BF=600.35 NF=1.00 ISE=4.61E-17 NE=1.320
+ IKF=7.06E-3 BR=0.11
+ NR=1.00 IKR=10.4E-3 VAR=17.47 VAF=32 RE=.136 RC=2.5 RB=6.85
+ RBM=68.65
+ CJC=84E-15 CJE=38E-15 CJS=520E-15 MJE=0.50 VJE=0.69 MJC=0.40 VJC=0.60
+ MJS=0.344 VJS=0.60 TF=305P XTF=0.43 ITF=12M
+ IRB=95U PTF=17 XTB=0.202 XTI=3.058 TR=85E-9 EG=1.167
.SUBCKT LED 1 2 7 4
ELED 6 4 5 2 1
RL 3 4 1 tc1=-0.00015
EOUT 7 4 3 4 1
.MODEL LEDNOR D IS=5E-16 N=2 XTI=3 EG=2.1 BV=5 IBV=10u
+ CJO=60p VJ=.75 M=.3333 FC=.5 TT=20n
.MODEL LEDNORC D IS=5E-16 N=2 XTI=3 EG=2.1 BV=5 IBV=10u
+ VJ=.75 M=.3333 FC=.5
Here is the path I followed to create the component and fail

What am I doing wrong ? Or what I should do ?
Thanks for help.