Coupling 50W of power to a LED luminaire from a strand of wire?

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If i told you that you could get a strand of insulated wire (not coiled), make 50KHz sinusoidal current flow in it from a generator..........and then hook a resonant inductive coupler over the strand of wire, and couple 50W out of the strand of wire, and use it to light a LED luminaire with the 50W, would you say that this was feasible?

.....the coupler being 97% efficient, and from a fixed sinusoidal current flowing in the strand of wire, it is made so as to produce a specific current level in the LEDs. is this just boring, old , everyday stuff?, or simply not feasible?

Why does it have to be 50Khz ? Is that what your 50KHz square to sine filter was for ? :-D

so... how long would this "strand of wire" be ? And how would you get it to resonate at 50KHz ?
You do have to connect the current driver, and you do have to connect the capacitor + led. Yes ? So will it not be a 1-turn loop ?

Sounds interesting how you did this. Tell more...........
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i did not do it.........................consultancy i worked with did it.

..............the 50khz in the strand of insulated wire is put there by a 50khz sinusoidal current source.....constant current source

.....why 50khz?.............i dont know.

how long is the wire............?.......well, as long as you want within reason....say 12 feet, make it long enough to hang off as many luminaires as you want.........................the wire is just a loop of wire connected to the 50khz current source...............they tend to twist it together to reduce noise by reducing loop area.....the switching harmonics from the 50khz smps current source could radiate

Please say you dont believe me..please say its not possible.....then i wont feel alone in thinking that...........but ive seen it, so i know it does work.............can you say how exactly?

okay... i don't believe you. It cannot work. Tesla was wrong, and its been proven for 100 years.
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Tesla was right, as you know, but howcome nobody else in the world is doing this?..Tesla's laws are over 100 years old........howcome this basic Tesla theory has never been used over that 100 years?
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Tesla was right, as you know, but howcome nobody else in the world is doing this?..Tesla's laws are over 100 years old........howcome this basic Tesla theory has never been used over that 100 years?

LoL !! because he was wrong ? he heehee. The guy made good stuff, but that doesn;t mean he was right about everything...
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....but i speak to all about magnetic induction...............Faraday told us that we can transfer energy via magnetic fields providing there is cutting of order to get enough cutting of flux lines, you need to get the flux lines to be dense......but how do you get dense flux around a single straight strand of wire?........the normal practice is to coil the wire so as to get the MMF up, and increase the flux density........but the "primary" here is just a straight peice of wire, so how do you get the flux to be dense enough?

Lets speak further...............imaging one of those AC current clamps that you get...where you grip it round the straight strand of insulated wire carrying AC and you measure the current in it.........well now picture something like that, where you grip it round the straight piece of wire, and then you are able to couple enough power out of the straight piece of wire to drive a 50W LED luminaire..............

.....if that seems "everyday" to you, then you're surely incorrect...........that is revolutionary................and i've seen it with my own eyes.

so its a question of flux do you get it so dense around a straight piece of wire?

Drawing power using a one-loop secondary...
sounds as though it might be along the same line as the following link. Bill Beatty's website contains many articles that, imaginative though they may be, yet his insights about electronics are fascinating to read.

He says this discovery has turned him into a believer in 'crackpot' ideas, after he has tried for a long time to be sensible enough, and knowledgeable enough, to be able to debunk such 'free energy' claims.



"It's the "partial-turn toroidial transformer", but with two changes.

"We must use a particular core material so that the oscillating vector-potential field can mess with the nonlinear physics of nuclei.
We must build the magnetic-mode version, rather than the electrostatic-mode version I described in
We must shift the output by 90 degrees if we want to apply it to the input"

He references other articles.

I can't claim to understand it all, but seeing Treez's report that a similar concept has been put into operation, the idea has credibility.
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Thanks, thats interesting, he doesnt show any diagrams, and his blocks of text are hard to penetrate................but it sounds along the lines of what this company is doing..............................if it is, then it really is as revolutionary as the guy on your offered site says.

......i am not sure if he was referring to "free energy"................if so , i dont think thats our thing, we have a 500W AC current source power supply delivering the power

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