[SOLVED] Couldn't locate build tool. Check tool locations

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Thota Suresh Avionics

Member level 2
Jul 15, 2013
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I am using Mplab V8.88
Compiler Mplab c30 V 3.30

if i am using above configuration for pic30f (16bit) family controllers working fine.

if i am using above configutation for PIC24FJ256GA110 showing error: Couldn't locate build tool. Check tool locations

set the path
in Project>> set language tool location >> microchip c30 tool suite>>executables
still not working,

i changed compiler version and installed Mplab c 3.20 and trying to build still its not working

did you try Project > Select Language Toolsuite
you should get something like

check the compiler etc is where it thinks it is, e.g. in this case C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\

horace1 thanks for reply,

i tried Project > Select Language Toolsuite and

Project>> set language tool location also

and also tried with different compilers like Mplab C30 v3.30,Mplab C30 v3.20,Mplab C30 v3.02,(which compilers are suitable for pic 24F)

Venkadesh_M thanks for reply,

i reinstalled mplab but no use.... is there any thing i am missing while compilling RTOS program?

showing erros like

APP\app_cfg.c:1:22: error: includes.h: No such file or directory
APP\app_cfg.c:17: error: syntax error before 'Task_WDT'
APP\app_cfg.c:17: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'Task_WDT'
APP\app_cfg.c:17: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
APP\app_cfg.c:18: error: syntax error before 'SW_Reset_Tmr'
APP\app_cfg.c:18: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'SW_Reset_Tmr'
APP\app_cfg.c:18: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
APP\app_cfg.c: In function 'SendMsgToRouter':
APP\app_cfg.c:24: error: syntax error before 'count250ms'
APP\app_cfg.c:26: error: syntax error before 'count1500ms'
APP\app_cfg.c:27: error: syntax error before 'count1000ms'

- - - Updated - - -

Now the program starts compiling when I have installed
complier version 3.30c instead of 3.31 or 3.30.

If I want to use the latest version of the complier then is there any modification steps that I need to do for the older programs to work .

when upgrading complier to newer version how do I find the differences w.r.t older complier.

the PIC24FJ256GA110 has been around a long time any of the C30 compilers you listed should work with it - I am using C30 V3.3.1 and XC16 V 1.21

it is odd that MPLAB compiles the dsPIC30f project Ok but does not find the tool suite for the PIC24FJ256GA110 as both use C30 or XC16
1. try installing the XC16 compiler and select that tool suite
2. uninstall MPLAB, C30, etc and reinstal

Usually this kind of problems will only come for trial version of compilers or like some bugs will come in only some systems, so you can not find the exact reason. so if you got your compiler worked move on to the project..

If you see a new version of MPlab better try with latest compiler.

all these looks simple errors,
you have not added includes.h to your project
lot of syntax errors you can correct easily or post the code.
the error
APP\app_cfg.c:1:22: error: includes.h: No such file or directory
indicates that the header file includes.h cannot be found on the include path - many of the following errors could be due to this so fix it first

is the filename correct? where is it? add the path the to project using Project > Build Options > Project > Include Search Path , e.g.

Venkadesh_M and horace1 again thanx for ur replies,

above all the errors due to complier,once i installed compiler v3.30c no error everything is going fine now thanq...

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