i have a piece of VHDL code which I synsithsis and everything worked properly..
now I am writing verilog code for asynchrous Tr-Rx..
I want to include my VHDL code with verilog?
does it possible..??
can i add boths, netlist and download it on FPGA..
In Alteras Quartus (I think also in Xilinx ISE and others) you can mix both VHDL/Verilog code and even others (like schematics). But for example if topfile is Verilog than you should add a wrapper verilog code for your VHDL module to include it.
in ISEWebpack 5.2 n up u can do it. but if u go for schematic design i think it is going to be very easy task as there u dont have to write the code to connect both the modules instead u just have to call up the components an link them with nets n wires directly n ur synthesisable code would be generated automatically.
FPGA tools able to perform mixed HDL synthesis, and in order to perform simulation, you need a simulator that having this Mixed HDL feature.. Modelsim having this feature, but you need to purchase a license from Modeltech. Altera quartus able to perform the simulation with mixed hdl, but i believe it is very very slow...