Cost saving for a BMS


Oct 11, 2024
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This company Monolithic Power have a BMS reference kit that can handle a 14s battery pack. The kit layout and schematics are all open source, but I can't open it in KiCad, since it is a Cadence project, and thus can't be properly imported by KiCad. I can try to reconstruct it in KiCad, but I'm not really a power electronics expert and since it is a private project, I don't want to spend much time on re-inventing/reconstruct what is already available.

I can off-course just buy the kit, but I much prefer to let it be manufactured for a fraction of the price. Is there someone out there who could convert if for me to KiCad, both schematics and brd files or at the very least just the brd files using Cadence, instead off an incompatible open source converter.

It's unlikely you'll find any reference designs done with KiCad. But usually they will provide PDF schematics and gerber/ODB++ files, at least.

You can view their .brd layout files using the Allegro X free physical viewer (windows only, I think). But that won't allow you to export gerber/ODB++ necessary to fab the board. Maybe you could try asking them via email. But if that doesn't work you're better off just buying a board from them.

I'm convinced Allegro Viewer will open it, but I don't have a Windows PC, and as you said, it won't export anything. The drawings are in the PDF; actually, they have a full datasheet just on the reference kit alone, not to mention on the chip itself, so recreating it won't be that difficult to achieve. It's just that so many other modules also go into this project; I was hoping for a shortcut on the BMS part, and I really like this chip guarding my 12 kW battery pack instead of some drop-shipped imported BMS from the internet. I wouldn't mind just going ahead and buying it, but I'm already struggling to get the overall cost down, and I'm manufacturing the rest of the other modules for my project anyway. I will be able to reduce half of the price if it is manufactured, at least for the PCB, and then solder the components myself. The discharging circuitry will also be bypassed for this project, which will reduce the cost even further. The Gerber files are not publicly accessible, but you're right—I should just go ahead and ask them directly.

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