converting circular to linear motion

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Junior Member level 3
Nov 2, 2006
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circular to linear motion


This is what i have:
One 1,5 dc motor spinning at max 300 turns per minute.

What i want to do :
I want to attach some let's say egg shaped metal to the motor stator to get linear motion ( look at photo ) BUT linear motion should go in both directions ( left and right ). Is there any way to do this ?

Other question is how to slow down the DC motor speed.
I have fixed weight on the rotor and he is spinning at 280 turns per minute.
How to reduce the number of spinning. Should i just use small power and how will this effect on DC motor ?


Is this what you're talking about. The motion will go up and down with
the rotation of the motor.

Ok the dark line(a bar) is attached to the wheel and it sits inside the rectangle
As the wheel goes around the dark bar will slide side to side in the rectangle.
The Rectangle needs to be attached (with out interferences of the 1st dark bar)
to the second dark bar. As the 1st dark bar slides side to side it will also be
pushing the rectangle up&down. The second dark bar will only go up and down.

1)The first dark bar is like a bicycle peddle, it should be bolted on the wheel.

2)The Rectangle has to be a little bit wider than the circle/wheel.

3)The 2 thin lines connected to the rectangle should be centered w/respect to the
wheel and the rectangle (Min torque)

4)You might want to have guide rails for the second dark Bar (Up-Down Bar)

Hope this helped


    Points: 2
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Thank you !
I get the picture how this should be done.

What about reducing motor speed ? How will this effect on motor.
Or is there some low voltage (1,5v ~ 200mA) DC motor with less then 100 turns per minute ?


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