Convert from Concept HDL to OrCAD

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Jul 10, 2007
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I have a schematic which needs to be converted from Concept HDL to something usable, OrCAD perhaps.
I found a old version (2004) of a program, E-Studio Pro but I cannot open any of HDL schematics. The error is:

chdlread: Starting reading from Concept HDL

Error: Caeviews exited with code 2
Please confirm that ConceptHDL software is installed on your machine.
Error: Caeviews exited with code 2

After a little research, seems that program must be run on ancient WIN95/98 (some msvcp50.dll not registered during installation).
I tried anything possible, copy required dll, start in compatibility mode, create a dummy HDL project with the oldest OrCAD I found (16.3).
The error is persistent regarding what kind of file it's at open stage, so I presume it is not reading the HDL project at all.

Any idea?

I installed software in XP virtual machine and the same results... "Please confirm that ConceptHDL software is installed on your machine."
If I try to open a folder containing schematic, the error is:

Error in ConceptHDL SCH Reader COM-object:
The remote procedure call failed.

Perhaps should I have Concept HDL already installed in OS? I read that Concept HDL is some kind of older version of Design Entry HDL, now package of Cadence suite. So my guess is that E-Studio is looking for old Concept HDL folders?

I'm lost, any idea how to convert HDL project to Capture??
Or someone can help me with those old versions of Concept HDL?

Don't get me wrong, but the newer Elgris E-Studio has absolute exorbitant prices that only big companies can afford.
Far beyond spending hours to redraw schematic by hand.

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