This Code is for PIC12F675 & this chip is not available in my City so can anybody convert this code for PIC12F508
; pulse_60.asm
; 22nd Oct 2004
; Output 1 pulse/min from 50Hz mains or 0.5Hz clock circuit
list P = 12F675
include "P12F675.inc"
errorlevel -305, -302, -306 ;MPLAB error suppression
bank0 macro
bcf status,rp0
bcf status,rp1
bcf status,irp
bank1 macro
bsf status,rp0
bcf status,rp1
bcf status,irp
mov macro litval,file
movlw litval
movwf file
cblock 0x20
#define led gpio,0 ;1 ppm LED
#define power gpio,1 ;mains on
#define mains50 gpio,2 ;50Hz in, INT
#define b0int gpio,4 ;out to 452
#define clock gpio,5 ;0.5Hz from clock module
org 0x00
goto start
org 0x04
goto isr
org 0x05
start bank1
call 0x3ff
movwf osccal
clrf ansel ;digital inputs
movlw b'00101110'
; 1 0.5Hz in
; 0 output to 452
; 1 /mclr
; 1 50Hz in
; 1 mains on/off
; 0 green LED, output
movwf trisio
movlw b'10000110'
; 1 pullups off
; 110 /128 TMR0 pre-scaler
movwf option_reg ;= ~32.768ms rollover 4MHz int RC osc
clrf gpio
movlw b'00000111' ;GPIO 0,1,2 as digital
movwf cmcon
clrf tmr0
clrf intcon
bsf intcon,inte
clrf t1con
mov 0xff,tmr1l ;load TMR1 with -1
mov 0xff,tmr1h
mov .100,ticks ;2 second resolution
mov .30,secs ;1 minute
; Main loop, wait for input
main btfss power
goto battery
bcf intcon,intf
clrf tmr0
wt_lh btfsc mains50
goto chk_m1
wt_hl btfss mains50
goto chk_m2
bcf led
decfsz ticks
goto main
mov .100,ticks ;reload ticks
bsf led ;LED on 1/50th second
decfsz secs
goto main
mov .30,secs ;reload secs
call pulse
goto main
battery btfss clock
goto sec2 ;process if power off
btfsc power
goto main ;exit if power comes on
goto battery
sec2 bsf led
call ms5 ;LED on for 5ms
btfss clock ;wait for return high
goto $-1
bcf led
decfsz secs
goto battery
mov .30,secs
call pulse
goto battery
pulse bsf b0int ;50us pulse to 452
mov .252,temp1
incfsz temp1
goto $-1
bcf b0int
chk_m1 btfss power
goto battery
goto wt_lh
chk_m2 btfss power
goto battery
goto wt_hl
ms5 mov .249,temp1 ;5ms delay
mov 0x84,temp2
inct1 incfsz temp2
goto $-1
incfsz temp1
goto inct1
; Fault - TMR0 time-out
isr nop
t_loop bcf intcon,t0if ;approx 500us delay
btfss intcon,t0if
goto $-1
bcf intcon,t0if