Conversion RATE of ADC

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Prasath Ayyalraj

Junior Member level 1
Mar 19, 2014
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I found conversion rate as 100 msps of a ADC Part AD9283BRSZ-RL100. But msps means million samples per Sec. Usually sampling rate will be mentioned in MSPS unit.
So here doest it mean sampling rate = conversion rate

I know that conversion rate will be mentioned in MWPS (million words per sec)

MSPS = max conversion rate of ADC, usually its equall to max sampling frequency.
ofc sample means output word, because u 'sample' input analog signal, so it cant be depandend on output bit length
So a ADC having 100 msps conversion rate can able to sample at a rate of 100 msps. But both may also be different. Am i right? Please correct me if am wrong.
And what is conversion time, how can i get conversion rate from convertion time

Yes MSPS is maximum value so it can be lowered depands on circuit use. Note that AD9283BRSZ-RL100 minimum CLK (ENCODE) frequency is 1 MSPS ( 1MHz) due to use of S/H input.
Conversion time is something different /= conversion rate. Modern ADC are pipelined co u get output every clock cycle (flash half flash , pipeline architecture..etc) but they possesses latency based on number of stages. AD9283BRSZ-RL100 got 4 delay blocks ( 4* clock period) + propagation delay (time in datasheet).
As Conversion rate and Sampling rate are co related, shall i consider 10 MSPS as 10 MWPS

What is conversion time. How can i convert conversion time (ns/us) into conversion rate (MSPS/MWPS).

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