[SOLVED] conversion from hex to decimel

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I prefer to first convert it to binary and from binary to decimal.
Every Hex digit can be represented by 4 binary digits.
For example:
0xFF is binary - "1111 1111" which is 255 in decimal.
Another example-
0x12 is binary - "0001 0010" which is 18 in decimal.

The dptr is 16 bit and Acc is only 8 bit. You need to convert to 5 byte decimal ascii or 2.5 byte BCD format.

Which one do you prefer?


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OK I think I misunderstood what you want. You want to convert what's in (DPTR) to decimal in Acc. But 8 bit hex would convert to 255 decimal max. So where to put the hundred digit?

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thats the problem .......... @allen

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will be very complicated

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