[AVR] Controlled Valve with Servo Motor

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Kharisma Handamt

Newbie level 5
Oct 10, 2014
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hy guys,,
i will make project water level with valve that is driven by motor servo that is controller by microcontroller,, with simple iteration
how to applied the simple iteration to microcontroller,,
this is the ilustration


If you don't want to control the flow of water from tap you can use solenoid valves instead of servo motor.

What do you mean by iteration ? A servo motor rotates a certain angles. You need to tell how much angle it has to rotate to open or close the tap (valve).

There should be a Ultra Sonic Sensor at the tap (valve) also. It will detect if the glass is filled or not and if filled it closes the tap (valve).

thanks ,,
time for fulfill the glass could be setting by microcontroller,, with simple iteration methode,
i confused too for this lesson,,

Please explain what is iteration method.

Are you using Arduino for the project ? You didn't tell what angles the valve should rotate to open and close.

no, im use microcontroller atmega16
the angle is determined by calculating the simple iteration.
so the time to fulfill the glass can be adjusted

Sorry, I don;t know how a iterative method is used to control Servo motors. I think that what your professor mean by iterative method is using a loop (iterative) to create a delay between turn On and turn OFF of valve. Ask if this is what your professor mean by iterative.

I found these.



**broken link removed**


If you provide an algorithm then it can be implemented in C code.
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thanks sir milan.rajik
oke ,, i'll ask to my proffesor

how to implemented in C or BASCOM Code sir???
determine time delay beetwen on and off,,

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