I am try to turn ON and OFF a 220V gardening pump (220V, 800W -> 3.6A) with a Raspberry Pi.
The GPIO pins on the Raspberry can easily be controlled. They produce 3.3V (and max 16 or 20mA).
I understand that i will need some sort of relay to do this. I was about to buy a simple SSR relay (Fotek SSR-25 DA), but a friend pointed it out that it's for controlling resistive loads, whereas a motor is an inductive load.
I am not an engineer by training, so I spend the last 6 hours reading about Triac relays, zero-crossing, random, SPDT, etc...but still pretty confused. I also read a LOT of contradicting information.
So I am looking for AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE a solution (and cheap) to turn ON/OFF my pump (through a Raspberry Pi).
Some people suggested buying a power switch with a remote, and then hacking the remote control. But I don't find this a very elegant and neat solution.
Can someone help?
Thanks a lot in advance.