Conparison between TDA1085 and U2010B


Newbie level 6
Apr 30, 2010
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I need recommendations for Phase-control IC with current feedback..
Which one is better, TDA1085 or U2010B or discrete design
Please share schematic.
Tanks for your advice


if I hod to do this, I´d first consult the datasheets.
Still then I don´t know what to focus on ... what is important for your application.

Which one is better? In which regard? price, external component count, availability...

Schematics usually are given by the manufacturers. Maybe in datasheets, or application notes, design notes...


Thank you very much Klaus.
I just wondered about the idea of those who were build and satisfied with the performance of these circuits.
I don't have a specific application.
I asked if it is discrete schematic, that recommended
It would be helpful if it can be shared
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I´m a professional designer, designed industrial current control devices using phase control.
Less than 100ms on an input voltage jump or an load resistance jump, to get less than 1% error of RMS current.
Able to control with a 100mA accuracy on a 250 A RMS range ... digital control loop synchronized to mains frequency.

My work flow is to first decide the goal, then study theory, reading documents, finding out what needs to be done to meet the goal.
Looking for the largest error sources .. rectify them ... doing calculations .. until my goal is met. Only in rate times I needed to adjust the goal.
At this point I only have fragments of schematics, but I´m almost 100% sure that the design will work like expected.
But a complete schematic is the next job. Then PCB layout.
Then there comes the test ... to verify the function and performance. I can´t remember that I ever needed major modifications.

I´m not the person to "design into the blue" without specifications. At least I have specifications and goals in my head.

But you are free to go your own way. But I doubt I will be a good teacher for your approach...


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