connection of 2 pin oscillator

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Newbie level 4
Mar 8, 2012
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i would like to build a simple RF transmitter and receiver with use of basic block diagram(signal-> modulator -> amplifier -> antenna).
now my question is how to connect 2 pin crystal oscillator to the circuit (AM modulator block)?


Dear vigneshmr
How much power do you need ? if your power is high , i think you are in wrong path ! if you tell me a bit more explanations i can help you as well .
Best Wishes

thanQ for your reply,
i jest want to RF remote with in a 10-20 ft distance coverage. so i am use only 12-15V supply.i use a 24Mhz crystal oscillator for carrier signal generator. i don't know how to connect a crystal oscillator in my circuit( that mean crystal oscillator may need any additional connections).
and how to check a oscillator whether it's work or not (may be using CRO).
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Humm . crystal oscillator ? see below , please :

And about modulating signal , you can add it to the emitter node ! but don't forget to use RFC for that . and another thing , what do you want to use as receiver ? ( for 24MHZ ) did you designed it's required receiver ?
Best Luck
can you explain more about RFC?
no i don't complete Rx'r model.
and how to check oscillator, if it's good condition ?

Dear vigneshmr
can you explain more about RFC?
RFC derived from Radio Frequency choke . it will be open circuit instead of our desired frequency . it will use to prevent from unwanted interferences between our sources .
and how to check oscillator, if it's good condition ?
Do you have access to an oscilloscope ? if yes it is pretty simple , but if no , you will need a filter and then an HF rectifier and then a Milli volt meter .
By the way , are you familiar with design steps of mentioned circuit ?
Best Wishes
hooo thanQ,
this is first time i try to build a RF related circuit by own hand.
if it's not work . i have ASK mod and demod circuit then i wil use it. but after the completion of entire circuit then only i kown its need any modification or not!!!

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