connect 11.1v Li-ion battery directly to 12v computer fan

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Dont see why not, they are usually rated at 12v dc


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Re: connect 11.1v Li-ion battery directly to 12v computer fa

I don't know about the meaning of 12C or 15C discharge rate. I've read a forum article mentioned that normal Li-po discharge rate is only 5C. I've tried using one small wire to connect the battery to a 12v fan. But the wire melted at once and the large connector sparkled during the only one wire made contact to it while the other end had no contact to the fan yet. I don't know what's wrong, but I daren't to do this again. Is it because of the very large output current from the Li-po battery?

I would never buy a Li-po battery on E-Bay. It might be an old one that barely works due to its age.

15C is a max discharge current that is 15 times its capacity rating: 1.6A x 15= 24A.

If you short its two output wires together then the current will be very high and might cause the battery or wiring to catch on fire.


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Are you trying to connect the battery to the computer fan while it is still connected to the computer? If so I am not suprised you have problems. You really need to state what you are trying to do. I had assumed you had just removed a fan from the computer and were trying to run it on a battery, this would be fine.

Hi all, thanks for showing no special things put in between the Li-po and the fan. I tried to be braved again to connect the Li-po to the 12v fan. This time I succeeded without explosion. Thanks Audioguru! Cheers!!!

Re: connect 11.1v Li-ion battery directly to 12v computer fa

okay, but just make sure to while the fan runs it will start to drain the bat energy. The voltage will star to drop... DO NOT LET THE VOLTAGE OF EACH CELL BE SMALLER THAN 2,8V / CELL! IF YOU DO THIS IS EASY TO DAMAGE THE CELL! And also, always keep the battery charged ( for storage purposes, by example! )


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I have a geared electric motor with a propeller for an electric model airplane. It draws about 6A from an 8.4V Li-Ion battery and makes a pretty big spark when I connect the wires.

Thanks GrandAlf and phophollety! I'll keep it in mind.

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