Congestion distribution in Soc Encounter

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Junior Member level 2
Apr 7, 2009
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soc encounter

How can we analyse the Congestion distribution in Soc Encounter?????

encounter congestion

in logs congestion table will be like this
Congestion Analysis: (blocked Gcells are excluded from the statistics)
# OverCon OverCon
# #Gcell #Gcell %Gcell
# Layer (1) (2) OverCon
# ----------------------------------------------
# Metal 1 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 2 12(0.00%) 3(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 3 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 4 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 5 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 6 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 7 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# Metal 8 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) (0.00%)
# ----------------------------------------------
# Total 12(0.00%) 3(0.00%) (0.00%)

in gui::
Route--->NanoRoute-->congestion analysis

Dont forget to press the helped button []


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
gcell encounter

Thanks for your reply...
Actually i want to know the congestion distribution in Trial Route.
The file look like this...

Congestion distribution:

Remain  cntH            cntV
-20:    2        0.00%  36       0.00%
-19:    0        0.00%  8        0.00%
-18:    0        0.00%  135      0.01%
-17:    0        0.00%  142      0.01%
-16:    1        0.00%  11       0.00%
-15:    2        0.00%  172      0.01%
-14:    3        0.00%  9        0.00%
-13:    2        0.00%  1        0.00%
-12:    4        0.00%  45       0.00%
-11:    40       0.00%  160      0.01%
-10:    5        0.00%  11       0.00%
 -9:    1        0.00%  49       0.00%
 -8:    9        0.00%  92       0.00%
 -7:    10       0.00%  26       0.00%
 -6:    28       0.00%  140      0.01%
 -5:    31       0.00%  217      0.01%
 -4:    74       0.00%  311      0.01%
 -3:    159      0.01%  258      0.01%
 -2:    457      0.02%  734      0.03%
 -1:    1906     0.06%  2645     0.11%
  0:    45171    1.49%  44470    1.77%
  1:    83702    2.76%  100406   3.99%
  2:    94269    3.11%  80426    3.20%
  3:    121820   4.02%  91094    3.62%
  4:    310672  10.25%  158360   6.29%
  5:    271591   8.96%  732341  29.10%
  6:    138040   4.55%  131279   5.22%
  7:    115049   3.79%  110945   4.41%
  8:    119029   3.93%  105559   4.19%
  9:    409774  13.51%  162904   6.47%
 10:    112758   3.72%  734744  29.20%
 11:    108492   3.58%  97       0.00%
 12:    146713   4.84%  4268     0.17%
 13:    485011  15.99%  687      0.03%
 14:    397142  13.10%  0        0.00%
 15:    1177     0.04%  17168    0.68%
 16:    2106     0.07%  5995     0.24%
 17:    1190     0.04%  0        0.00%
 18:    45150    1.49%  0        0.00%
 19:    11600    0.38%  0        0.00%
 20:    9155     0.30%  30608    1.22%

Please explain ...........

overcon gcell

this congestion table has two parts,, one part being above the horizental line gives information about the locations where congestion is there i,e no of tracks is less than the demanding,, and the number remain gives,, how many tracks is needed in that location and the next number no of locations and its percentage in both horizenatal and vertical tracts cntH stands for Horizantal and cntV for vertical
similarly the below pat is for locations where no congestion is there or no of tracs are more than demand

HOPE IT HELPS U ... feel free to trigger qns

encounter how to route congestion

I want to know one more thing....
What is the significance of -1 to -20 in the log file


open gui command soc encounter

this number says that many tracks are required in that location i,e -1 means no of tracks needed in tat location is one more than the no of tracks are avaialable.

Added after 1 minutes:

looks like ur design is congested lot,, need to see the placement of modules or open the gui and see where where the congestion is coming.

thanks a lot 4 ur reply...

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