Newbie level 1
Hi All,
I am new to using Conformal tool for Logic Equivalence Check. I am comparing RTL and synthesized netlist for comparison.
In the comparison I see a few unmapped points. Does having these unmapped points impact the logic equivalence comparison and if yes, how?
For each non equivalent point, when I see the schematic to identify issues, I see some of the nets/signals missing as compared to the original synthesized netlist. The netlist had some signals with proper login but in schematic I see few of the blocks missing.
Can someone please guide me how to fix this issue?
I am using following options:
set compare option -allgenlatch
set undefined cell black_box -both -noascend
set naming rule "_" -parameter -golden
set naming rule "." "" -field_delimiter -golden
set mapping method -nets -nobbox_name_match
set flatten model -latch_transparent -NODFF_TO_DLAT_FEEDBACK -nooutput_z
set analyze option -auto
set flatten model -seq_constant
I am seeing 2 non equivalent points unmapped.
I am new to using Conformal tool for Logic Equivalence Check. I am comparing RTL and synthesized netlist for comparison.
In the comparison I see a few unmapped points. Does having these unmapped points impact the logic equivalence comparison and if yes, how?
For each non equivalent point, when I see the schematic to identify issues, I see some of the nets/signals missing as compared to the original synthesized netlist. The netlist had some signals with proper login but in schematic I see few of the blocks missing.
Can someone please guide me how to fix this issue?
I am using following options:
set compare option -allgenlatch
set undefined cell black_box -both -noascend
set naming rule "_" -parameter -golden
set naming rule "." "" -field_delimiter -golden
set mapping method -nets -nobbox_name_match
set flatten model -latch_transparent -NODFF_TO_DLAT_FEEDBACK -nooutput_z
set analyze option -auto
set flatten model -seq_constant
I am seeing 2 non equivalent points unmapped.