Thank you! I guess I have to be more specific in my question. Sorry, I am asking for lots of handholding but, like I said, I am more mechanically inclined and exhausted my intellectual resources trying to figure this out. I tried several guides for datasheets but did not get far (listed at the bottom).
Here is another link to the datasheet: and here are the specifics:
1) Page 4 Table - output drivers – I can ignore this since these drivers were coupled with the motors I have and should not matter for my purpose for now?
2) Page 4 Table – Control logic – Logic Input Voltage/current – Has two Vin(1) and Vin (0). There is only one pin for each logic input (dir, step, etc.). What is the implication of these two types of logic input? I cannot find another reference in the datasheet and not sure if this needs to be set or not. I think Arduino would output closer to 5v that should be fine but not sure if its current falls under these parameters (-20 to 20 uA). Similarly, in the same table there are two settings OH and OL for HOME output voltage and not sure what the implications are. Page 8 talks about SR input being low and how the driver enters Active Mode with synchronous rectification – is this relevant for my purpose?
3) Page 5 table – Mixed Decay Trip Point – there are specific voltages for H and L but no min and maximum. Do I have to provide this exact voltage to the respective pin 5 (PFD)? I found the answer to this on page 14 (it is either over -0.6V or under 0.21V but that was not clear in the table – it was not listed as max and min.
4) Page 5 table - Reference Input Voltage/Current – this is supposed to be whatever Vdd is but the current should be 0 (+3.0) uA. Is this a correct interpretation? How do I do that – apply voltage without the current?
5) Vsense is rated as .5V on the first page but there is not mention anywhere else (as far as input parameters). So, do I have to supply this to the SENSE1 and SENSE2 pins? The Page 5 talks about Gain error with a formula further below and table with Vref=2 and current percent. What does this mean? Is this a way to control current? I put in different numbers in the formula and, for example, with 12V supply, I was getting 66% when Vsense was 0.5 and 100% when Vsense was 0. This could be for controlling the current but why does it say Vref =2V when Vref is supposed to be the actual voltage provided?
6) Page 6 – RESET – this is active low and turns off all DMOS outputs. So, it has to be kept HIGH with 5V all the time?
7) Page 6 – HOME – this is an output but do not understand the purpose. The first page states that specific startup sequence is not needed but how is this output is used?
8) Page 7 – Vreg – it is internally generated (output) and it should be decoupled with 0.22uF capacitor to the ground. Do I need to do anything else with this?
9) Page 7 – CP1 and CP2 – goes completely over my head. Should I do anything with these? Should I just ground them?
10) Page 7 ENABLE – This is active low and should be grounded all the time. How it relates to RESET that should be kept HIGH. They seem to be doing exactly the same thing (with opposite active states). Just wanted to make sure I was not missing anything.
11) Page 7 SLEEP – shall be kept HIGH because it is active low.
12) Page 8 – Timing requirements – the last is “Maximum Wake-Up Time .. 1.0 ms”. What are the implications for this, if any? The others seem fine but do not understand if this is something I need to consider when sending pulses to the driver.
13) In general, there are lots of subscripts (bb, cp, dd, ds, dss, etc.). is there a reference for these. Some of them can be self-explanatory: OH – output high, OL – output low, REF – reference, IN, etc. but others are not.
P.S. considering my limited supra-tentorial capabilities, ideally, just knowing what I need to get the motor working (these came coupled with the driver) would be great to start with (i.e. learning to steer the car without understanding the steering mechanisms, etc.). Otherwise, I may get confused further ;-)
Here are some guides for reading datasheets:
**broken link removed**