configuration of USB at lpc2148

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Apr 6, 2009
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USB on lpc2148

Hi all. I am doing my final year project. I want to work on USB Device Controller on lpc2148. I am referring its user manual & USB Complete. I am not getting idea of what its applications can be. I have to design my own code. But i guess for that i have to decide my application. PLs Help!!

USB on lpc2148

you can act on the projct where sme basic features of the microcontroller like ADC or DAC results will be sent to computer frm the microcontroller board via USB

Re: USB on lpc2148

A couple options for starters,

You can use the LPC2148 as data logger. Battery driven it collects a temperature once a minute and writes it to its SRAM or vie IAP into Flash. Once a day you connect it to a PC to recharge the battery and to upload the data into an Excel spreadsheet.

Use it as an echogenerator. With the ADC you can collect analog data fill half of the SRAM with values and then start the output through the DAC. Has nothing to do with USB but you could receive the data from a soundfile from the PC and do the delay process and send it back. Play the original soundfile on the PC at the same time as you play the delayed file through a speaker on the evaluation board.


Re: USB on lpc2148

Thanks for replying. I have decided to do DAS for pressure measurement. I have done paper presentation related to my project. Please see it and tell me can such project be really developed or it is vague.
Still i am not getting idea about how to develop code for it.

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