Component coordinates file for PCB assembly factory?

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When one gets a PCB assembly factory to assemble a surface mount PCB, they always request the ASCII file of the PCB. (which comes from the PCB layout program)
Is this because the ASCII file contains the precise coordinates of each of the components of the PCB, and this is needed in order for them to accurately place the components on their respective pads?

Eagle Pro PCB layout package doesn't have an ASCII file output, but does have a "parts list" output which gives the coordinates of each component (assuming that the PCB layout engineer marked out the centre of each component footprint in the PCB layout program) ........will this "parts list" be suitable for sending to the PCB assembly factory instead of the ASCII file?

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Reactions: treez


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they always request the ASCII file of the PCB
Seems to be sloppy speech for a pick and place file.

I suggest to review the Eagle manual, in chapter 9.1 "Data for Pick-and-place Machines".
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