component attribute editor LT Spice

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 3, 2018
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Hi, I have added 3rd party component in LT Spice by generated it's symbol from .lib file and associate it with the path of .lib file as

.incude C:\Users\ ... \LTspiceXVII\lib\sub\THS4505.LIB on the schematic page.

I am wondering how can I add the spice model lib file path directly in the component attribute editor LT Spice instead of having it on the schematic page ?


What I've seen, is advice to add the component to existing libraries.
Then you can forego the full path declaration. I recall it being pretty
straightforward, and there being a seldom-used user library defined

I'd hit up LTWiki, almost certain to have a tutorial

My approach is to select a device model symbol with the same pinout, and then modify that symbol name and references to the new device model.
Check that the symbol pin references match those in the model file.
You also add the device model to the same file location (likely sub) as the original model.

Make sense?

The component I need to have in my simulation does not exist in the LT Spice library. Therefore, I need to add the component as 3rd party component. In library there is a folder created auto-generated symbol in which the symbol is located.


The spice model file .lib I have placed in


where other model files are placed but I need to include that path in the schematic which does not look nice. I would like to include in the component attribute editor but now sure how to do it. I tried full path of the model file and also just the name of the model fine. It did not work. There should be some place where component attribute editor find the model file. I have tried \LTspiceXVII\lib\sub but it does not work.

There should be some place where component attribute editor find the model file.
Put the model .lib or .asy file name in the SpiceModel line.
(Example below for op amp LTC6084).
Then the symbol should automatically reference the model file in the .sub folder.


I think, there are good reasons to keep custom made symbols and model subcircuits with the simulation schematics, e.g. if you are sharing your work in a team.

H, this did not work. There is a mismatch between sub circuit and the instance.

The symbol is located at


The spice model file .lib is located at



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The symbol is located at


The spice model file .lib is located at

The symbol file should be in the \sym folder
The model file should be in the \sub folder

Is that what you have?
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