Some things are very much easier in polar coordinates, which is all a complex exponential is a means of expressing.
j (in electronic engineering) is the mathematicians i, as i had already been given a meaning in electronics.
j is equal to the square root of -1 in the two dimensional vector space represented by the complex plane, in which a multiplication by j is equivalent to a rotation by 90 degrees CCW on an Argand diagram.
The exponential form of a complex number is useful as phase shifts for example are much more easily reasoned about when represented in this form then in rectangular form.
e^(j(wt + Pi/2)) * e^(j Pi/4) = e^(j(wt + 3 Pi/4) for example is a much easier way to rotate a signal thru 45 degrees then doing the equivalent in a rectangular coordinate system.
You need, I suspect to study complex numbers some more, they really are absolutely fundamental to a lot of the maths engineering uses.
Regards, Dan.