Compiling code for ARM in Ubuntu

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Newbie level 5
Mar 29, 2013
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Hello friends

I am working on LPC2148. I am trying to compile a code for LPC2148 in linux. I am using ubuntu 12.04.But as I am not much aware of linux I am unable to compile it.
Do I need any extra toolchains to compile? if yes then which toolchain I should use? Is there any site where I can get example

Thanks in Advance.

You need to get a cross compiler for the arm.
I am using arm-none-eabi-gcc
You can check out
It is a shell script which will automate the build...

Also I think you will get direct binaries from the synaptic (not sure)...
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Thank You vinodstanur for reply

When I post this thread i gooled and I found one link in which a command for installing cross compiler was mentioned. It was something like this
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi

Is it the same that you are talking about ?

I found this command on ""

gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi is for linux on arm.
Here you need to get a cross compiler for bare metal, means there is no operating system running on the chip.
So it will be none-eabi-gcc..

If you have a good internet connection, then that summon arm shell script will work fine... It will automatically do all the downloading and building the tool chain...

Or download Sourcery CodeBench Lite Edition (EABI Release) from

Dear friends

Thanks for your help
I have successfully installed the cross-compiler and gone through few basics of it.
But I am still facing some problems in writing code for arm lpc2148 in linux is there any reference code or study material availbla from which i can clear my baisics and write a simple code e.g.blinking led or uart,
Please help.

Thanks in advance

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