Comparison of Matlab and C++

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c++ is better than matlab

4027 said:
matlab is easier.c++ is deeper and timelessness

easier but much more expensive...

matlab versus c

Without meaning to go off on a tangent in this discussion, although I agree MATLAB is probably not going to be nearly as fast as C (as long you program equally effectively in both of them), often MATLAB is blamed when the actual fault lies with poor MATLAB programming skills. Just as an example, people who have some experience with C often use for- and do-while loops in MATLAB for operations that could easily be written to take advantage of MATLAB's vectorisation techniques, executing hundreds of times faster than the corresponding loop implementation. I have seen code written that takes several minutes to execute, that when rewritten properly executes in about a second. Of course, MATLAB beats C hands-down when it comes to ease of use and quick prototyping.

c++ matlab speed

it depend on the usage:
for a mathamtic algorithim,physical purpose any thing that related to mathmatical science then matlab is better because of it build in finctions and the strong toolbox. While C++ is for programming doing programs huge one. Even if you want to make a program as the matlab its self

learn c++ matlab

Use Matlab for the algorithm development and C/C++ for the fixed point simulation. Finally use DSP/FPGA/ASIC for the real product developemnt. Every longuage has its strongth and weakness. Need wisely use them.

memory usage in matlab + c++

MATLAB is great for simulations and prototyping ideas.

You really don't want to deal with memory issues in C++ when you're just trying to figure out what algorithm to use.

what makes matlab slower than c

Does anybody know if either Matlab or C++ can be used in Real-time systems ? I know Matlab has a Real-time toolbox but I have never used it. Any of your suggestions would really help.


c++ vs matlab speed

Matlab is easy for beginner, but C++ is more efficiency!

matlab versus c++ for data storage

I think the best way is one to start programming with MATLAB and
after passing to C/C++ (if the computation time is critical). MATLAB is
by far the most flexible and effective technical language.

speed of c++ vs matlab

matlab has sdk.header files and library files fo c and c++. you can use the advantage of matlab in c

**broken link removed**

matlab slower than c

matlab is a prasing language and C++ can be complied, so matlab is slow and C++ is quick
it can be understand easily

matlab vs c++

Regarding efficiency and what is better, I haven't seen one of the following answers so far in this thread:
It's very important how to implement your dataflow. You can write worse C code and also set up worse Matlab simulations. Matlab works with matrices and therefore you need to study how matlab can efficiently perform simulations.


matlab vs c speeds

matlab can generate the database compatible for many eda tools, that's just best suit for me

why matlab is slow than c++

Matlab is more convenient to use and better support to visualize data, but is much slower, while c++ is more efficient to run.

matlab vs c++ benchmark

though matlab is more user friendly C++ is very efficient.the preference of usage lies in which type of application u would use programming language.
in signal processing applications we can make use of inbuilt functions of matlab so that we don't have to code everything and this makes life easy.but places where efficiency is required C++ is obviously the preffered choice

simulation matlab vs c++

Matlab is easier for beginners(e.g. me ^-^).
The toolboxes in Matlabb are very good.

is matlab slower than c?

zkai2000 said:
for newbie like me, i find matlab much more easier to understand than c++..there're lots of examples in matlab. simulations are nice too...

With the faster and faster CPU, matlab attracts more guys on the simulation,not showing off the computer skills

matrices matlab vs c

Matlab was originally desinged for simulation and testing and C++ is desinged for end user application which are required to be fast.
As matlab is not intended to be fast its not used for end applications.
Matlab has the advantage of builtin functions and components for different types of processing and hides memory issues while C++ not.


speed of matlab vs. c++ program

Every Tool has its own benefits in some cases and noone is a good alternative....
So if you see the Matlab then its the excellent tool for simulation and testing and also the algorithm development...
You have no need to think about memories... Wrong Pointer Access.... Memory leaks... all that you have to do is to concentrate on your logic.........
Deinitly Matlab provides facility and ease at the cost of additional wrappers which make the Program Slow........

In contrast in C the simulations and Testing is hard and time consuming so better do the work on Matlab but when it comes the user end application then the requirement of platform speed and compatibility is there so use C and get the power of control and speed........


speed fortran vs c++ vs matlab

use matlab as it uses ready made functions you won't need to develop in C++

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