Comparision Spectre HSpice HSim

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if we compare Nanosim and HSIM, i personally feel that HSIM is better..
It is faster than Nanosim + NASSDA guys provide good support..

one more thing..
Y ELDO is not in the list of accurate simulators, I think it is good enough..

I agree with opamp741, the support of Nassda is much better than Synopsys, even for a large customer.

Very good opinions,
Another question in this area: Is it possible to change the accuracy of classic simulator like hspice to get an overview of the targer system befor the main long-run simulation? Simply how you can change the accuracy in Hpsice without going to another tool?

HSPICE has an option so called FAST. But, I don't know ... how fast !

Then, you can can play with the TSTEP (.TRAN TSTEP SIMTIME)
... you loose accuracy to gain speed.

As far as I know, Hsim is the fastest simulation tool for analog circuit. It is often used in the logic part of mixed circuit in my company.
As for the spectre , it is the easiest tool , 'cause you can find schematic in the screen ,then plot the signal you are interested in.

It's undoubted that HSpice is the best for RF circuit simulation.

galant said:
It's undoubted that HSpice is the best for RF circuit simulation.

What's the model used for RF simulation? For instance, Level 49 is well known for sub-micron CMOS circuits.

galant said:
It's undoubted that HSpice is the best for RF circuit simulation.

Another good simulator for RF is ADS2003 :roll:

The level of models is used to fit the simulator .
For instance, level 11 is for spectre and level 49 is for Hspice.
If you have the models provided by foundry , i think you can use it to do RF simulation in Hspice or Spectre.

If you are using 'ADS' , you might have to edit the syntax to meet 'ADS' spec.

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