Comparing 18F4520 with 16F877A pinout ?

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because I want to know faster from other people experience...


Two problems with that philosophy, first you never learn for yourself, second the other person my well be wrong!

Clearly those two chips are pin compatible to a degree, but of course the 4520 has many extra pin functions and internal oscillators.

... and a different core processor so they will never be pin AND program compatible anyway.
Bianchi77, why are you asking? Do you need to upgrade an existing 16F877A design to use more speed and memory? If so, do you have the source code to compile a new version from?


because I have 16F877A board and zif socket, and wondering if I can use 18F4520 with it ??

From a hardware point of view they are pin compatible but the 4520 has internal peripherals which are not there in the 877A so some pins also have other uses. The PGM pin is also different so if your present board has a programmng facility you will have to rewire it.


yup I saw it on the datasheet, but the rest of the pins are identical, I do programming with chip programmer, so I will not use ICSP for 4520

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