Communication with USB

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Junior Member level 2
Jan 27, 2010
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I want to make a project to communicate with usb!
PC <-> development board
I need some idea to do that.
I'm thinking to use some avr with internal usb module. but who? someone with support maybe...?
maybe it's difficult to me the pc programming part
What's the easy way to use? Visual C++? i want to have GUI.
and in part of uC programming, i have only STK500 for attiny, atmega series.
What i must to have for the new atmel's uC with internal USB? Can i programming with some easy circuit? in circuit programming or like that?

Thank you!

I think the best way for you is to use virtual serial port, that uses usb hardware but the PC deals with that like a serial port and its very easy to implement its program in both MCU and PC, you can use some USB<->serial ICs like FT232 ,
also take a look at AVR309 application note

What's compiler is best to user for this?
i want to have gui.
Visual C++ (visual studio 2012) confuses me
i thinking to use qt sdk.
I want native c++, not .net

thanks for the reply!

I work with .net and i have no problem with that , it has serial port component that is very easy to use, but i think you will not have much problem in c++ too,
good luck!

Who avr with usb module can i use for easy results?
someone with support?

I have buy a Xilink FPGA board with a RS232 to USB cable and the connexion between the FPGA board and my linux box work fine

I use this with Kermit on my linux box
set line /dev/ttyUSB0
set speed 115200
set modem type none /*** this line is important, otherwise you can’t input ***/
set carrier-watch off

=> I have now the "hello world !" message on my computer screen every time I reset the FPGA board
(the RS232 to USB connection is automatically recognized as /dev/ttyUSB0 on my linux box
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a simple alternative for USB communications is Microchip MCP2210. It is a translator from SPi to USB and Microchip provides a driver you can use applications easily. It is the simpliest alternative I have found, and the micro is inexpensive.

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