[AVR] Communication between RLM100 UHF RFID module and AVR microControllers

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Newbie level 5
Jul 2, 2014
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I have an **broken link removed**. I searched a lot, but I didn't found anything useful that explain how I can use this modules. I mean the only thing that I understand so far it that this modules use UART protocol to communicate with the MCU, but I need a list of commands that it support, right?

May I ask you to share me in your experiences with these kind of modules? Does they have an standard list of commands or something, or I must gain a more complete data sheet? If so, where I can find it? Why it is not available on the Internet?

All I want to do is reading a tag and storing its number(?) in the MCU EEPROM.

I have an **broken link removed**.

Well, before we get too excited.

Do you have a 840~930MHz (FHSS), ISO18000-6C/EPC Class1 Gen2 RFID tags, by which to test the device?

Perhaps not, many of these types of devices operate in a default mode which simply outputs the RFID number once a valid and compatible RFID tag comes within proximity of the RFID reader module.

May I ask you to share me in your experiences with these kind of modules? Does they have an standard list of commands or something, or I must gain a more complete data sheet? If so, where I can find it? Why it is not available on the Internet?

While I do not have any experience with this particular RFID reader/writer module, I do have experience with similar products.

I would strongly suggest contacting Ray-Links directly and request any documentation, appnotes, and support files for this particular unit.

However, they may require a nondisclosure agreement and/or purchase of a development kit.

I would indicate to them, you have a sample and are considering incorporating it into a design.

In any event without the proper RFID tags, you are just treading water.

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    Points: 2
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Thank you dear BigDog for you replay.

Do you have a 840~930MHz (FHSS), ISO18000-6C/EPC Class1 Gen2 RFID tags, by which to test the device?
Why did you ask this question? Does that mean that these kind of tags are hard to find, limited or something? Currently I haven't any tag, but after that I understand how to work with this module, I will buy some.

Many of these types of devices operate in a default mode which simply outputs the RFID number once a valid and compatible RFID tag comes within proximity of the RFID reader module.
Even if my module follow the above default mode, I must be aware of the format of the data that the module returns on respond of presence of a tag (And also the Baudrate, Parity = ?, Stop bits = ? , and so on for example), right?

I would strongly suggest contacting Ray-Links directly and request any documentation, App notes, and support files for this particular unit.
I already checked the above website. Unfortunately I didn't find any email address on that website (I have some trouble with calling and speaking!). Moreover, as I live in Iran and our country (Including our banks) is boycotted by America, I think they won't replay to my emails.

I would indicate to them, you have a sample and are considering incorporating it into a design.
I didn't got this part of your replay. Do you mean that you can verify me to them to help me?
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