communication between microcontorller and PC using USB

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kushal nandanwar

Full Member level 3
Jun 9, 2013
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I want to communicate my microcontorller(PIC18f4550) with PC using USB, can someone help me in it.

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I can help with mirkoC PRO PIC code for USB HID Communication. You have to use USB HID component like EasyUSBHIDNetClass.dll

if you download and instal Microchip's MLA (Microchip Library for Applications)
**broken link removed**

and look in directory (directory name may vary depending on MLA release date)

you will find the firmware for the PIC18 and under utilities code for C++, C# and VB.NET for a PC Windows host to communicate using the HID protocol
Yes PIC has USB.

But the FTDI is more easy to use and more quick. Just a UART.

xxtigerxx is correct in that an FTDI USB-serial cable connected to a UART is probably the simplest way to connect a PIC to a PC using USB
our recent boards (PIC24, dsPIC and PIC32) tend to have both
1. a header to connect to a FTDI USB-TTL serial connected to PC using teraterm which is used for testing board functions and setting it up
2. a USB HID interface to a PC application (written in C++, C# or VB.NET) which has a GUI interface for the end user

even in applications where the end user has not specified USB we tend to put the footprints on the PCB but don't popuate them or include the USB code - we have found end users often ask for a USB GUI interface later on

Thanks horace I used MLA , which help me ,when I connect my micorcontroller with PC it's show USB connection in device manager, but i want to transmit and receive data using USB for that i want to use V.B. Is that possible

if you are using the HID custom app there is VB host code in directory

never used the VB myself - I used the C++ sample code and implemented a C++ DLL that is used by C++, C# and VB

Gui interface is also possible with Ftdi mode, you have to select the com port though. Its the easiest way of completing project.

But if you want to learn USB for fore coming projects. then go on with usb.

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