1. The stop bits are ignored, but the arduino serial port should be configured for 2 stop bits (default settings are 8bit, no parity, 1 stop bit). See the part about the serial.begin parameters
https://arduino.cc/en/Serial/Begin I see that you are using software uart for the sensor. I don't know if you can configure that for 2 stop bits, but seeing that. Maybe you should look it up or if not, use the hardware serial for your sensor (and find another way to print your outputs).
2. Only "complete" bytes are printed.
3.No, data is not read inversely.
4. I see that with your code you are simply trying to pass whatever your scale sends to the serial monitor. I suggest that you use serialevent for handling incoming data
https://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SerialEvent and readbytesuntil because you know that your messages end in cr and lf